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5 Ways to Straighten Out Payment Processes at Your Dental Practice

5 Ways to Straighten Out Payment Processes at Your Dental Practice
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Dental practices continually invest in tools, technology and procedures to better manage patients' health while boosting staff productivity. Replacing outdated systems and mundane paper-based office tasks with time-saving solutions frees employees to focus on activities that drive value. 

Let’s open wide and examine how modernizing payment acceptance processes improves the patient experience, saves employees time, and gets you paid faster.

Integrate Payments

Integrated payment solutions create a connected platform that facilitates a seamless flow of payment information between your practice management system (PMS), website, or back-office software. This integration expedites payment acceptance and streamlines end-of-day processes and reporting. 

Office managers gain the ability to swiftly accept cards and ACH bank transfers for in-person and telephone payments, recharge cards on file, send digital invoices, manage recurring payment plans, and issue refunds without toggling between multiple tabs and systems. Since double-entry is eliminated, costly errors are reduced.

PayJunction’s free Chrome extension helps you integrate payment features within any cloud-based software platform in minutes. Purchase information including patient ID, invoice numbers and amounts are easily paired with your PMS. Once approved, transaction information automatically flows into your software to be stored with patient records. And end-of-day accounting is completed in a few clicks.

Embrace Digital Solutions

Transitioning away from paper-based processes is crucial for saving time and increasing efficiency. While many dental clinics have upgraded to cloud-based practice management systems, some still rely on outdated paper-based payment systems to produce paper invoices, receipts, and batch reports. This not only consumes staff time but also leads to errors and subpar customer experiences.

Digital invoices are a quick and convenient alternative to paper bills. Patients receive an email, open the link, and enter payment details in a secure online form. Not only are they preferred by customers, but they also improve cash flow at your practice. Storing digital receipts and payment details in a cloud-based system is more accessible and eco-friendly than paper.

Streamline End-of-Day Processes and Bank Reconciliation

Simplifying and automating batch-out processes and bank reconciliation tasks can significantly save time and effort. An integrated payments solution or cloud-connected Virtual Terminal can automate batch reports, eliminating the need for manual printing and collection. Furthermore, centralized payment management portals simplify end-of-day procedures, reconciliation, and reporting.

Real-time visibility into deposit reports facilitates swift bank account reconciliation, allowing your staff to quickly and efficiently match payment transaction deposits with bank records.

Gain Performance Insights

Accessing insightful business data is essential for making informed decisions about the health of your practice. PayJunction's reporting software provides necessary details about patient payment history, empowering dental practitioners with valuable information about customer trends and performance metrics across dentists, procedures, departments and locations.

Custom reports offer detailed performance analysis that facilitates strategic planning. Year-over-year comparisons enable practitioners to assess performance trends and make data-driven decisions for practice improvement.

Connect From Anywhere

The ability to manage payment processes remotely is invaluable for busy dental practitioners. Cloud-connected solutions enable dentists and office managers to access payment data and manage transactions from any browser-connected device. This flexibility allows for seamless management of multi-location practices, simplifying bookkeeping and enhancing operational efficiency.

Choosing an innovative and reliable payment solution not only enhances the customer experience but also improves operational efficiency and scalability to meet evolving practice needs.

Boost Productivity at Your Dental Practice.

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PayJunction Team

Content written by the PayJunction team encompasses broad business topics including marketing, brick-and-mortar business operations and management.

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