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How to Set Up Hosted Checkout With PayJunction

How to Set Up Hosted Checkout With PayJunction

Welcome to PayJunction University, where we teach you how to use PayJunction like a pro. Today’s lesson is on how to set up Hosted Checkout, which enables businesses to securely accept payments through their websites with minimal effort.

Hosted Checkout can be used in two ways: by e-commerce businesses selling various products online, or by businesses looking to collect payments on outstanding balances or invoices. Depending on how you use Hosted Checkout, some of the follow steps may not apply.


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To get started, select “More” from the menu on the left and then click “Hosted Payments” under “Other.”

Select “New Shop” in the top right corner. Enter the shop name and choose the credit card account, which will determine which batch the shop transactions fall into. The remaining info on the shop settings page is optional, but feel free to provide any additional information, including the email you’d like new order notifications to be sent to, your state tax and shipping costs, and which security settings you’d like to enable.

Once you’re finished, click “Create Shop.”

Now that you’ve created your first shop, it’s time to generate the HTML code that will be added to your website. From the shops page, click “Generate Hosted Payment” in the top right corner.

Start by selecting your shop from the dropdown list and then select the type of code you want to generate.

If you run an e-commerce shop selling products online, select the “Add to Cart” type to create a unique button that corresponds to a single product on your website. You can provide the product identifier (or SKU), description, price, and shipping and tax, if available.

To allow customers to pay a specified amount through your website, use the “Snap Checkout” type and select “Customer will specify amount.” Once the code is embedded, a text field will display on your site for customers to pay outstanding balances at their convenience.

The “View Cart” type generates a button for customers to preview their cart and decide whether to keep shopping or proceed to checkout.

Use the “Checkout” type to generate a button that brings customers directly to a secure billing page hosted by PayJunction, which will capture all sensitive information necessary to complete the transaction.

To customize the fields displayed on the billing page, go to the shops page, hover over the eye icon next to the store you are configuring and select “Shop Fields.” From here you can display, require or hide the transaction, billing and shipping fields. Once customized, hit “Save Changes.”

Benefits of Hosted Checkout

Whether your e-commerce business is just starting out or your well-established practice is looking for a way to streamline the collection of outstanding patient payments, PayJunction’s Hosted Checkout has you covered.

With your merchant account, you have access to the Hosted Checkout feature at no additional charge. Plus, you don’t need a website developer to set it up — it’s really that simple. Our stellar customer support team is available to assist you with any steps that may seem daunting.

Hosted Checkout opens another sales channel for your business, allowing you to make sales or collect on patient balances when you’re off the clock. And because Hosted Checkout is proprietary to PayJunction, all sales history records and receipts are automatically logged in the Virtual Terminal. Once implemented, collecting payments using Hosted Checkout is basically hands free!

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About Author
Picture of Ursula Librizzi

Ursula Librizzi

Ursula is the sales and marketing operations manager for PayJunction. She oversees daily marketing tasks and liaises between the sales and marketing departments.

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